Sidebar in your job site can include both images and videos. This is helpful for things like branding images, company videos, and showcasing any other of your branding that words just can’t convey.

In this article, you’ll see how to embed videos into sidebar, and upload or add externally-hosted images into jobsite sidebar.

Embedding Videos
To add a video to your job site, Log into your HireRabbit account and navigate to Customize > Facebook Job Site.

Here’s how the next steps will look like:

NOTE: You will need to be on blue belt or above plan to utilize these features.

1.    Go to the site that hosts your video, such as YouTube, Vimeo, Wistia etc. Copy the embed code( iframe ) for your video from these sites and keep the width as 280px. Below is an example of YouTube embed code:


2.    Return to the HireRabbit widget editor. Click on the Source button which will show the HTML of your sidebar widget. Paste the video embed code in the area of the widget you’d like it to appear:


3. Once you’ve placed the video, click the Source button again to go back to the visual editor. You can see a preview of what the embedded video will look like:


Click on Preview at the top to see how it will look on your job site, click Publish to publish changes to your job site.

If you need any help contact us.